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Mapping CPR

Actors, Impact & Related Debates

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Do you have further suggestions how societal actors shape the CPR debate? We highly welcome your feedback!

Map of different actors in corporate political responsibility

CPR provides a framework for the democratic engagement of business. Other societal actors or “sub-systems”, however, can also provide resources in order to shape the intersection between political and economic activity in a constructive way. Each of them approaches CPR with a specific set of interests and capacities.


Here are some examples:


  • Politics increasingly calls onto business leaders to consider political risks in their investment decisions. For instance, by abstaining from granting credit guarantees (e.g. HERMES) for certain transactions, the state makes clear that companies cannot externalize the costs for politically ignorant or reckless economic behavior.


  • Finance has adopted the ESG scheme to assess investment portfolios according to sustainability standards, thus incentivizing companies to orient their business models towards the common good.


  • Civil society formulates higher expectations regarding the purpose of companies, causing them to rethink how they remain attractive for customers, employees and business partners.


  • Academia uses its epistemic resources to ponder the complex nexus between capitalism and democracy, possible development paths of globalization or dimensions of corporate responsibility (social, ecological, political, digital etc.).


This is why this CPR platform invites representatives from all sectors to bring in their knowledge and to inspire and learn from each other.

Basic Idea

Do you have further suggestions how societal actors shape the CPR debate? We highly welcome your feedback!

Map of different actors in corporate political responsibility

Gesine Palmer

Vielfalt statt Konsens in den Religionen

Gregor Maria Hoff

Glaubensräume – Topologische Fundamentaltheologie

Gregor Maria Hoff

Glaubensräume – Topologische Fundamentaltheologie

Gesine Palmer

Vielfalt statt Konsens in den Religionen

DE Version

"Wie Unternehmen die Demokratie und damit sich selbst stärken“

EN Version

"How Businesses can strengthen Democracy for Mutual benefit"

Do you have further suggestions how societal actors shape the CPR debate? We highly welcome your feedback!

  • Johannes Bohnen, Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR), How Businesses Can StrengthenDemocracy for Mutual Benefit", Springer Gabler, 2020

  •  Thomas P. Lyon et al, CSR needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics, California Review Management, 2019

  • Roger L. Martin et al, Strategy in a Hyperpolitical World, Harvard Business Review, 2022

  • Beziehungskrise? Bürger und ihre Demokratie in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Polen und den USA, Robert Bosch Stiftung, 2021

  • Elizabeth Doty et al, The Importance of Corporate Political Responsibility, MIT Sloan Management Review, 2022

CPR international Essay Prize Logo 2024
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